Escape room for water – Live in a way that they can live too!
Planning the escape room: collecting material, creating an online puzzle and worksheet, distribution of materials and equipment for the experiment.
The essence of the mini project is this: grade 11 students plan and implement an escape room for grade 9-10 students, based on the knowledge they have acquired during their classes in former years. While working on the escape room plan, grade 11 students practise their own knowledge.
Planning the escape room (duration: 45 min)
8 people from grade 11 plan, edit, and print the worksheets with the facilitation of a teacher. They also create the
cards for each group. The numbers on the cards are 2, 4, 6, 8. for each group, 8 copies are needed from each
number. Grade 11 students prepare the needed materials and equipment.
Survey (45 min)
At the end of a predetermined day, grade 10 people collect all the empty pet bottles left behind in the school building. They take photos for documentation, count the number of recycling bins full of pet bottles. They also collect data about how important water is for the human body. They do an internet research and document the impact of sugary soft drinks on human health at a young age (overweight, tooth decay, circulation problems, diabetes).
Classroom game (45 min)
A) Preparation (5 min)
1 – groups of 4 are created with the facilitation of the teacher
2 – one person per group is appointed as coordinator with the facilitation of the teacher
3 – the coordinators give each group a worksheet, a tray with the necessary materials and equipment, plus a box closed with a combination lock
B) Coordinators explain the game rules (4 min)
Each group has to complete the same 4 tasks in the order of the worksheet.
C) Completion of the tasks (35 min)
If the four tasks are completed correctly, the group gets four cards from their coordinator. The order of the completed exercises and received cards is important. By the end of the game, the players have in hand the cards with numbers 2, 4, 6, 8 on them. These numbers are the opening code of the combination lock (2468). Once the lock is open, the hidden object inside the box is available.
D) Escape (1 min)
The hidden object is the classroom door key. The winner group can open the classroom door and get free.
- to call students’ attention to one of the most important resources of
our globe, water, in an interactive and playful way - to call students’ attention to the importance of a change of mindset
- to popularize a healthier and more eco-friendly habit of using water
among students
Learning outcomes
By the end of this learning scenario, students will be able to:
- recognize the merits of drinking water instead of sugary soft drinks
- understand why a continuous water supply is essential for the human body.
- to gain knowledge of the negative impact of water pollution on
aquatic organisms