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Introduction to workshops

The Workshops aim at providing the necessary knowledge to teachers on the pedagogical theory of experiential learning and how it can be used in environmental education for their students. Specifically, these capacity building workshops will help participants to gain deeper knowledge of the Experiential Learning Cycle and its potential impact on raising the environmental awareness in schools. In addition, the workshops aim to link experiential learning theory to environmental education and to provide teachers with the skills and competences to incorporate experiential learning elements into the curriculum. 

What is experiential learning?

David A. Kolb’s Experiential Learning Theory is a powerful foundational approach to all forms of learning, development and change. Experiential learning describes the ideal process of learning, invites you to understand yourself as a learner, and empowers you to take charge of your own learning and development.

The way you learn is the way you approach life in general. It is also the way you solve problems, make decisions, and meet life’s challenges. Learning occurs in any setting and continues throughout your life. The experiential learning process supports performance improvement, learning and development

The workshops

  • Introduction to experiential learning and its application in environmental education
  • Kolb’s experiential learning cycle
  • How to integrate experiential learning into the environmental education curriculum
  • Designing and implementing experiential learning activities in environmental education
  • Innovative experiential learning activities to improve environmental awareness
  • Facilitating experiential learning: the role of the teacher
  • Evaluating experiential learning and its impact on environmental awareness

Select workshop

Workshop No1 Introduction to experiential learning and its application in environmental education


Workshop No2 Kolb's Cycle of learning


Workshop No3 How to IntegrateExperiential Learninginto the environmentaleducation Curriculum


Workshop No4 Designing and ImplementingExperiential Learningactivities in environmentaleducation


Workshop No5 Innovative ExperientialLearning activities toimprove Environmentalawareness


Workshop No6 Facilitating experientiallearning: the teacher'srole


Workshop No7 Evaluating ExperientialLearning and its impacton environmentalawareness


Additional resources For all workshops

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Number of the Grant Agreement:

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 

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