(Loss of) Life without Electricity
Ask Light heartedly: Why do you need / how do you use electricity? (recharging electronic equipment, reading, watching TV, playing video games, cooking dinner… etc
What about when people get sick? What happens then? Why do hospitals need electricity? Take all answers
Share: One-eighth of the global population does not have access to health facilities with reliable electricity. The resulting treatment gaps threaten the health and lives of nearly one billion people around the world.
Source: https://healthpolicy-watch.news/one-billion-people-lack-access-to-health-facilities-with-reliableelectricity/#:~:text=One%2Deighth%20of%20the%20global,billion%20people%20around%20the%20world.
Say: Let’s take a look at what hospitals can’t do if they don’t have electricity. (data from same site)
- Students will appreciate how fortunate they are to live in communities with electricity.
- They will learn how lack of electricity costs lives in developing countries.
- They will consider solutions.
Learning outcomes
By the end of this learning scenario, students will be able to:
- Understand the value of electricity.
- Know that without it, health services cannot function effectively and
people of all ages are at risk. - They will explore alternative solutions which could be applied locally.